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Below is a list of most common Japanese terms, used in Martial Arts.

If you feel, that there are some other useful terms, that we missed, please feel free to contact us, and let us know about it.




































 shi (yon)


















 shichi (nana)
























 ju ichi


 joo eech




 ju ni


 joo nee




 ju san


 joo san




 ju shi


 joo she




 ju go


 joo go




 ju roku


 joo roke




 ju shichi


 joo seech




 ju hachi


 joo hach




 ju ku


 joo koo




 ni ju


 nee joo




 san ju


 san joo




 shi ju


 she joo




 go ju


 go joo










 arigato gozaimasu

 ah-ree-gah-toh goh-zai-mas

 thank you very much

 do itashimas'te

 doh-ee-tash-ee ma-she-tay

 you're welcome






 on guard



 focusing technique



 stand up straight!

 konbon wa

 cone-bon wah

 good evening

 konnichi wa

 cone-ichi-ee wah

 good afternoon

 koshi o ireru

 ko-she o ee-re-roo

 "putting in the hip"






 turn around



 quiet meditation

 onegai shimasu

 oh-neh-guy she-mas

 please (teach me)

 otagai ni

 oh-tah-gah-ee nee

 toward each other

 otagai ni rei

 oh-tah-gah-ee nee ray

 bow to each other

 otagai ni taishi

 oh-tah-gah-ee nee ta(i)-sh(e)

 face each other



 bow with respect

 sensei ni rei

 sen-say nee ray

 bow to the teacher

 sensei ni taishi

 sen-say nee ta(i)-sh(e)

 face the teacher

 shomen ni rei

 shoh-men nee ray

 bow to the front

 shomen ni taishi

 shoh-men nee ta(i)-sh(e)

 face the front



 line up, gather together



 I do not understand



 I understand

 wakarimasu ka ?

 wah-car-ee-mas kah

 do you understand ?






 ready, attention

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